On 9 August 2023, CEO Mr. Franklin Lau and Company Secretary Ms. Alberta Sie warmly welcomed the visit of Mr. Ivan Tam, Honorary Vice Counsul of the Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Bahrain in Hong Kong, together with Ms. Olivia Cheung, Senior Manager of the Chamber Services of the Hong Kong Bahrain Business Association (HKBBA) in the Hong Kong office.
CEO Mr. Lau introduced the latest developments of Reanda International, particularly the strategic development plan in the Middle East region and expressed the interest in expanding Reanda’s presence in Bahrain, one of the most prosperous markets in the region. Honorary Vice Counsul Mr. Tam shared the overview of current business and logistics activities in Bahrain and pointed out that Bahrain has strong business relationships with other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Both sides exchanged ideas in connecting authorities, associations, business prospects in Bahrain and exploring reputed audit and consulting firms to join Reanda International to seize business opportunities in the Middle East region.
HKBBA was established in 2003 and it is the first official business association promoting trade and investment between Hong Kong and Bahrain. It is the only business chamber of a GCC country represented in the International Business Committee convened by the Chief Secretary for Administration of Hong Kong.